
Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Okay, I'm back all the way up to 149 but I'm not gonna hate on myself. (But I haven't been posting for that very reason).

Tomorrow - to the gym!

Monday, May 11, 2009

more about breakfasts

More about breakfasts!

So I know in my last post, I was talking about savory breakfasts. Well, this time I am talking about NO breakfast at ALL. Oh, the horrors!

I am still committed to breakfast. Don't you worry. And I know all the studies say that you should eat breakfast, that it helps your blood sugar and gives you energy, and all that jazz. I believe it! However, when I start the day off eating when I am not hungry, it really sets off a bad chain of events. It's like I'm telling my body it's okay for me to force food in there when I don't want it.

So I'm really trying to listen to my body and if I'm not hungry in the morning, I won't eat. I did it today and yesterday and it was really pleasant. Later, I was actually hungry and I ate! Not only because it was time to eat (which it was) but because I was craving food.

I know that it's dangerous to do this because it leads to binge eating because you're so ravenous. I'm going to try to curb that by having snacks ready.

My aunt got me Rachael Ray's cookbook, which I was excited about, but there are very few pictures and many of the recipes involve things like ham, bacon, cream, almonds, tart-like things, etc. Sorry, RR. I'll have to go back to my favorite friend, Mark Bittman. Despite the lack of pictures, he uses words to make food sound so delicious.

Also, please excuse the spacey tone of this blog entry. I am currently sick and the cold medicine makes me zany. Back soon!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Thanks for the comment, K! My "new" thing (there's always a new thing, but I think it's more like a journey towards happiness and fulfillment) does have to do with breakfast.

In the past, I've been gently teased for eating the following for breakfast:

- Weight Watchers frozen fettucini alfredo meals
- Chicken legs
- Chicken Soup
- String Beans
- Cookies

Okay, so the cookies aren't particularly healthy, but why do I have to eat traditional breakfast foods if I don't want to? It's silly! I've long since given up dry cereal, which I'm happy about, but even though oatmeal is yummy and hearty, there isn't too much protein there. And often I'm too lazy and tired to make an omelet in the morning.

So I hereby reclaim my right as a free individual to eat whatever the hell I want in the morning, as long as it's healthy and tasty. Vegetables, chicken legs, leftover cous-cous, here I come. Luckily, our favorite food friend, Mark Bittman, agrees with me:


Monday, April 20, 2009


I went back to the gym today after a long hiatus.

(+) Exercising felt good

(-) I have very very short legs.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Straight Up Food Post

Today was probably a typical day for me when I am NOT mindful about eating. Granted, I woke up late and then babysat, but it's still fairly accurate.

(too lazy to actually make anything)

1 glass of grapefruit juice
1 string cheese
2 spoonfuls of peanut butter

1 Milky Way

1.5 pieces of matzah
1 glass of orange juice
3 spoonfuls of egg salad
1 Baby Bell cheese

1 Chicken Burrito
7-8 greasy chips
1 Corona Beer

It's like, none of it is egregiously awful, but I just lived today in a very slapdash way. Plus the only exercise I did was playing jump rope and Skip-It with my charge.

I don't say this to be like, "Why aren't I losing weight??" because days like this clearly say why. But I just think that if I only post days where I do well, it will be a dishonest blog for myself (and my loyal readers: I love all five of you very much!)

So I just ask for your support in my ongoing journey, which has lots of peaks and valleys. There are times that I feel awesome about myself and my body, and other times not so much. But I think that's true of everyone and I just fall somewhere along that spectrum,

In that vein, here's a link to a blog about Michelle Obama's biceps:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Narcissism, Etc

So it's been a month since I posted last and it's been a yo-yo of a month. Busy, due to auf-rufs and weddings and out-of-town conferences on women's issues. I've used these events as an excuse to not exercise and it's done me wrong. But even though I got on the scale tonight and saw sad numbers, I'm not upset. I know that if I just go to the gym and eat well, I will lose weight.

My topic of choice tonight, as I return to this blog, is narcissism. (And it does have to do with weight loss). I have been trying to deal with my own narcissism and it comes up a LOT. I don't mean that I'm selfish or that I don't care about other people (I do!) but often I realize that what seems like insecurity is just plain self-centeredness.

For example, I am routinely un-tagging unflattering photos of me on Facebook. That's fine, I think most of us do that from time to time. But recently I realized that it was part of this trend where I am so concerned with how others see me that it becomes a bit preposterous. If I make a mistake or a social gaffe and I'm embarrassed and dwell on it, it usually doesn't dawn on me that most people are not particularly concerned with all Maggie all the time. And I think that's good lesson for me in general.

So the other day, there was a picture posted on Facebook of me, doing something cool and fun. But I hated the way I looked. I thought I looked fat and double-chin-y and bloated. But you know what? I kept it tagged. Because nobody is going to look at that picture and think, "Ha! I KNEW it! She's fat!" It's not a secret. Additionally, most people in my life know what I look like and can separate a good photo from an unflattering one without casting aspersions on my character.

And frankly, most people don't even care that much.

I hope this post didn't come off as depressing or bitter - I meant it in a liberating sense. I shouldn't be obsessed with what others are thinking of me, and should just focus on being the best Maggie I can be. There, now it's cheesy and uplifting. Hooray!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave!

So I before the weekend, I was actually back to 143.5, but I did go to a pretty bangin' kiddush at my temple and then have a gala party that involved tons o' brownies, and then today I ate leftover oreos and Thai food SO yeah, I don't know what my status is.

I do know I'm going to the gym tomorrow night, after I get back from babysitting (we're going to the Central Park Zoo!)

Anyhoo, it's a slow trek, but it'll happen... my dress for the wedding is super tight and I hope I look curvy and not like a sausage. I mean, a beautiful sausage, but still a sausage.

All of this is making me think about my future wedding, if I have one. I'm so excited! I want to have a really fun, down-to-earth, feminist-flavored wedding. Ideally I'd have it in my parents' backyard, but it might not be big enough if this crazy family of mine keeps growing.

I google-image searched "feminist wedding" but just got weird crap. This was the only thing that made my heart soar. Ah, love.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I've been binge-eating for about four days straight.

p.s. That's the photo I got when I Google-imaged the word "SAD"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009



Peas and chicken and pasta
Probably something else, but I forgot


Brussels Sprouts
Chicken Burrito

Sometimes when I feel good about myself and I'm looking in the mirror, I will get tripped up about how I'll never look like most of the women in movies or on TV or in magazines.

Normally this doesn't bother me - but I got to thinking about whether that affects men as much as women. I know women are really bogged down by this, but my idea is that men don't actually have unrealistic expectations about women. The media likes to say that it does, but I'm not convinced.


On a slightly different, but sort of related note, I find that more men think Jennifer Aniston is hot and more women think Angelina Jolie is hot. Oh, science...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oh, Hearty

Hearty can't begin to describe my meals today.

Also, I made the mistake of going to Pinkberry after a yummy meal at Yaffa Cafe.

In fairness, Alison warned me that their yogurt is sort of "bitter" but I just couldn't imagine that dessert would be yucky. How wrong I was! It was so gross that I had to pacify myself with a candy bar. Yes, my second candy bar of the day. Meh. I'll have time to work out tomorrow, so that'll be good.

BREAKFAST/LUNCH (I didn't work this morning, so I just had one massive meal)

1 omelette (2 whites/1 yolk)
1/2 cup orzo
Green peas
Small sliver of chicken


Milky Way


Chicken breast sandwich with Muenster Cheese


Small amount of pomegranate frozen yogurt and chocolate chips
Another Milky Way


25 minutes bicycle
10 minutes weights
Walk to work (1 mile)

Monday, March 2, 2009

So far today

2 egg whites
1/2 cup of rice and beans

An entire box of frozen leaf spinach
100-calorie thing o' popcorn

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wedding Countdown

Good - went to the gym today!
Bad - Didn't have a ton of protein. Ate lots of carb-y things. Had a midnight snack / extension of dinner. Also, back to 144 lb, but if I keep going to the gym, I know it will go back I'm not too concerned.


1 cup of oatmeal


String beans
Small serving of spinach penne & mozarella cheese
1 small bag of chips (160 cals)


3 mini-tortilla wraps (100 cals each)


Another mini-tortilla wrap. Why are they so good?
Edamame Beans


100-calorie bag of popcorn


Walk to work & back (2 miles)
35 minutes bicycle
10 minutes speed-walk treadmill
5 minutes weights

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mirror, Mirror

The mirrors at my gym are bonkers. Seriously - one set of mirrors makes me look like some sort of cellulite-ridden hobbit.

The other set of mirrors makes me look pretty sleek. Oh well, it keeps me on my toes.



LUNCH (like 2 hours later)

More gnawing on mozzarella
Bites of tuna fish & pasta
Some salad
Piece of chocolate


Tuna fish
String beans

2 bags of popcorn (200 cals in total, if I trust their calorie-count)


30 minutes bicycle
15 minutes speed-walking treadmill
10 minutes weights/sit-ups

p.s. I'm back in a routine. I REALLY would like to be 140 pounds by next week. I think 3 pounds is not so crazy to try and lose fairly quickly. I'm going to really try!

Three weeks until my cousin's wedding, and I'd like to look a little svelter...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

La la la

I'm trying not to only post when I'm doing well, but also when I'm doing...poorly. I was at my parents' house this weekend and just gorged on all their yummy leftovers.

I'm so much better when I'm back at "home" in Astoria.


Leftover chicken
Something else that I forget...


100-calorie pack of Sun chips
Turkey meatballs

Gnawing on a hunk of fresh mozzarella cheese (ate half of it, probably)
A couple bites of beans/pepper
2 100-calorie bags of popcorn

I know my dinner wasn't particularly "complete" but I really didn't need that 2nd bag of popcorn. It's so terrible that they're 100 calories. It makes me feel like I can eat a million of them.


Walked to work (1.2 miles)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ugh Sick

Ugh. I am tired and sort of getting sick. I think it's due to lack of sleep and the fact that I have been dressing for 60-degree weather. And guess what? It's 40 degrees out. It's just that we had that one warm day and it tricked me and I stopped wearing a scarf or hat. Brrrr.

Today was carb-heavy and I feel ill.


1 Polly-o cheese
1 tortilla wrap (just the wrap, 'cause I'm weird)


1 small Moroccan Chicken soup @ Hale & Hearty
1 pc of bread


2 pieces of bread from Cosi


Edamame Beans
Spinach penne and ricotta cheese
Orange Juice

And nooo exercise except for some pained ice skating on a fake ice skating rink at the Natural History Museum. Oy. I need to get back to the gym. I'm back to 145 lb after my romantic weekend away, where I ate whatever I wanted.

Oh well, I'm not gonna get down about it! Instead I'll post a photo of Hayden Panettiere, who has really awesome muscular thighs. I'm surprised she doesn't get flak for it. I don't watch Heroes, but I think she's pretty cute.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Shabbat Shalom!

Yay thanks for the tip, Risch - I've been told to weigh myself in the morning, but since I know one weighs less in the morning than at night, I always feel like my morning weight is a "fake" weight. (I know that's ridiculous). But it's true what you say about water weight.

I'm so glad I can be a part of your early morning internet enjoyment :)

Today I didn't go to the gym, which is lame. So far I've eaten healthy, but I'm going to a little shindig later that might involve snacks, so I have to try to pace myself when I get there.


Some leftover tuna


1 Portabella veggie burger
Diet Coke


Zone Bar


Edamame Beans
1 Sweet Potato

I have a frozen challah in my freezer that I wanted to make tonight, but supposedly it takes five hours to rise, so that's not happening. Which is good for my "diet." But...mmm...challah...


At the party I had:

1 Blue Moon Beer
2 cups of "punch" (a ton of alcohol and juice)
Some chips/pieces of bread/crackers

Regardless, I got home and weighed myself. 143. Wacky world!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oh dear

Today was bonkers because of work-related plans gone awry. I felt all achy due to my period, underdressing for the weather, the wind, and not eating for too long.

However, I avoided all the delicious food in Jackson Heights, ignored the bajillion Thai restaurants in Astoria, and instead purchased some healthy food at my favorite unfriendly grocery on 30th Ave. But yet -

Last night when I weighed myself I was 143 pounds. Tonight I'm 145.5. How does that happen? I know I didn't go to the gym today, but I ate so much less than I usually do and it was all healthy. Perhaps it's that I ate it all towards the end of the day, but still. I'm sad about this and hopefully tomorrow will be better. I know I shouldn't be so reliant on the scale but - argh.

UPDATE: I weighed myself again and it said 144.5. So maybe it's just feeling temperamental today.


1 cup of oatmeal


1 Zone Bar
1 Apple


A couple o' servings of tuna fish
1 Portabella mushroom Gardenburger


Walk to work and back (2 miles)

On a more whimsical note, here are some images that pop up when you Google the word "Zaftig"

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bouncing Back

Today wasn't the healthiest day, but I also wasn't feeling very well so it was hard to really convince myself to have balanced meals.

I'm really trying to stop snacking late at night. I know that it makes a BIG difference.


Rice/chicken meatball/asparagus combo
Zone Bar


Plain roll



Diet Sprite


30 minutes bicycle
10 minutes treadmill



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Unbalanced Day

So today was weird because I forgot my lunch at home, which was annoying (I didn't have time to get anything healthy) and I got my period so I was all zoned out and in pain, but hopefully losing some bloat.


1 cup oatmeal
2 chicken meatballs


Sesame Bagel


2 bowls of rice/asparagus/chicken meatballs
Some carrots
Zone Bar
Milky Way

I came home super hungry, obviously. But all healthy food, except my lunch.

Lastly, here's an AMAZING FOOD BLOG:

This Is Why You're Fat: Where Dreams Become Heart Attacks

Monday, February 9, 2009

Nostalgia Day

Yesterday was another day that I almost ate a bagel, but then PUT IT DOWN AND BOUGHT A PROTEIN BAR. Oh, the joy of it all.

Today is a day of reminiscing about all the food I ate as a child. At some point, my family morphed into one of those very healthy households, although we never had much junk food around to begin with. The thought of Swiss Miss vanilla puddings, which I haven't eaten in probably ten years, floated into my brain this morning - so I decided to make an ode to meals past:

Breakfast Options:
- Corn flakes, Cheerios, Rice Krispies, Cracklin' Oat Bran (I never eat cold cereal anymore, too tempting to eat 3+ bowls)
- Eggo Waffles with artificial syrup (or mini-waffles, also delicious)

Lunch Options:
- Big chunk of iceberg lettuce (I still enjoy this)
- Kosher Bologna
- Butter sandwich (Yes, my parents instilled in me that there was something called a Butter Sandwich)
- Polly-o string cheese
- Assortment of candy from The Milk Mart or Futtermans. (i.e. The Charleston Chew, one of the weirdest/grossest candy bars I took a liking to)

Snack Options:
- Green apple (still a favorite)
- Vanilla Fingers
- Nutter Butters
- Swiss Miss vanilla pudding

Dinner Options:
- Velveeta Macaroni and Cheese (this was my favorite)
- Lamb chops (My mom was a big fan of lamb chops)
- English Muffin Pizzas (these were delicious)
- Vegetables (still good).

Ah, memory lane. I think reclaiming English Muffin Pizzas might be a good thing, but most other things on that list are probably good to avoid. I try to abstain from anything that has high fructose corn syrup in it, and I'm sure the pudding and syrup is chockfull of that shit.

What are all your nostalgia foods?

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Yesterday I did a couple things that I was proud of:

- Went to the gym (okay, nobody throw me a parade for that)
- Got super hungry while doing errands. Went into a bagel store (specifically Brooklyn Bagel, which is DELICIOUS), then TURNED AROUND AND LEFT.

That's what's called mindfulness! I am really trying. I also drank whiskey and Diet 7 Up and Diet Ginger Ale and ate a Milky Way so it wasn't all positive, but I'm still happy with it.


1 cup of oatmeal

1 chicken leg

For dinner I'll probably go to Chipotle. I know I shouldn't but anytime I get close to Astor Place, I just am drawn, magnetically, to the beautiful wonder that is a chicken burrito with black beans, no sour cream or cheese.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


It's SO COLD OUT. Granted, I'm thrilled that it's light out at 5pm. That is wonderful. But I was cold and tired and did not go to the gym. Blargh.

I'm watching Rachel Maddow and all the Republicans are driving me fucking crazy with all their stupid tax cut ideas and deregulation mumbo-jumbo. It would be one thing if they were conservatives, but they're NOT, they're just selfish and impractical. I'm so happy Obama called them out on how these ideas DON'T WORK and they are WHY WE ARE IN AN ECONOMIC CRISIS IN THE FIRST PLACE. WTF.

Anyway, none of this is diet-related:


Tuna fish


Whole wheat pasta and shrimp and tomato sauce


1 Zone Bar


Whole wheat pasta and shrimp and tomato sauce
1 Chicken Leg



And Lindsay Lohan, my favorite dumb-as-nails actress, looking beautiful and slightly athletic:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009



3 mini-quiches
A couple spoonfuls of cous-cous


1 Zone Protein Bar

SNACK/DINNER (kind of blended into each other)

Leftover cous-cous
Leftover spaghetti squash

Bowl o' tuna fish


Diet Coke
Popcorn (I'm on a popcorn kick...)


Leisurely walk to work and back - 2 miles
35 minutes bicycle
10 minutes treadmill
5 minutes weights

Lord knows I never want to be as large as Aretha Franklin is now, but look how cute she was in the 60's! I love this album cover.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Healthy Eating

Future plans: Download song by T.I. Thanks boo


2 egg muffins / mini-quiches (egg, onion, mushroom)


Spaghetti Squash with Tomato Sauce


1 mini quiche
1 orange


Mushroom Soup



Thursday, January 29, 2009

These are my confessions...

These are my confessions
Just when I thought I said all I could say
My chick on the side said she got one on the way
These are my confessions

Just kidding, those are Usher's confessions. Mine are that I've been negligent in blogging and only blog when I'm doing super awesome. FREYA, do not fear. I don't usually eat just brussels sprouts for lunch. That was an off day, but I probably wrote because I wanted to curtail eating for the day and knew writing would help me do so.

Tomorrow I return to the gym. I've found a million reasons not to go this week that were all B.S. As of a few days ago (and I don't want to weigh myself tonight but I should), I was only two pounds away from having lost ten pounds since I started this Magical Weight Loss Journey. I seriously don't care how long it takes me to lose these pounds. The point is that I want to lose weight eventually and eat better and be stronger.

Also, tonight on her magical birthday, my anonymous roommate bought a vibrator. A new one was going to be a gift to myself when I reached 140 pounds. Yes, I can!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good News/Bad News

Good news:

- I bought a dress in a size 8 (although it's pretty tight and also a fancy brand that probably makes the buyer feel skinnier)
- I have figured out how to make tuna fish the way my dad does, so I now have a no-frills easy source of protein. As long as I don't eat it too often (mercury?) I figure it's a great food to add to my repertoire. Anyone have anything else to add about tuna, either negative or positive? It seems pretty healthy - I buy the kind that is canned in water and I add only a few dollops of light mayonnaise.
- I resisted buying a giant bag of chips today when I was at the supermarket and really hungry and it was terribly tempting. But I'm trying to practice mindfulness a la Dan Mishkin, Alice's dad, who eats (or used to eat) the same way I do.

Bad news:

- I am sure I gained weight at my parents' house this weekend because they have lots and lots of yummy food.

Back to the gym! I went today and did the usual.

My basic problem area is my thighs. Everything else I feel pretty confident about and am sure will slim down with time. But my thighs are all...jiggly. Meh.

Happy Obama day! In honor of our awesome president, here's L Magazine's Guide to getting as fit as Barack Obama.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cold and Snowy

Currently watching the first episode of "Friday Night Lights," a show I've heard some positive things about. It's also scored by Explosions In The Sky, which is a great instrumental/electronic (?) band. It's a really beautifully done show, but I hope it doesn't fall into the trap of making high school girls look 25 and act really slutty/seductive/overly confident. So far it's skirting on dangerous territory.


1 egg
1/2 cup of oatmeal


1/2 a bagel


Shrimp and broccoli
Stir-fried zucchini


Walked to work and back (2 miles)
15 minutes treadmill
10 minutes elliptical
25 minutes bike

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Captain Obvious

Argh. I hate how easy it is to lose weight. I don't mean that it's easy in actual practice, but that there are no real tricks to it. All you need to do is eat less and exercise more. And I almost hate how easy it is because then there's no real excuse for failure.

For example, I've really tried in the last two days to exercise and eat better. And of course, I lost a pound and a half. My body is surprisingly malleable - if I treat it well, it responds in kind. Unfortunately, I I can do really well for a few days and then someone has a potluck and it all goes out the window.



2 egg whites, 1 yolk


Chicken soup with wild rice and barley
Piece of bread


Broccoli and a few pieces of shrimp


2 glasses of white wine
Milky Way

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sauna Etiquette

Today I did pretty well, aside from my sad lunch. I went to the gym (!) and had a very zen time in the sauna. What is sauna etiquette? I lay there by myself with a towel on my nether regions, leaving my top exposed. How naked is too naked in a sauna? I mean, I was by myself, so I wasn't offending anyone, but I'd like to know.

It was super relaxing.


1 egg white, 1 yolk


Zone bar


Vietnamese food (Rice noodles, chicken, vegetables)




40 minutes bike
15 minutes treadmill

Monday, January 12, 2009

Other People's Food

Being at AJ's is hard for me because I tend to snack on her food, which I feel entitled to because she doesn't pay me. I usually bring something healthy for myself, but get noshy and antsy. Today was case in point - chocolate was offered to me, and after she left, I ate some of her bread. BREAD! Thou art my enemy.


1 apple
1 banana
1/2 a cookie


2 mini chocolate truffles @ AJ's


Black bean, onion, green pepper stir fry
Miso Soup


3 pieces of chocolate


2 plain hamburger rolls...arghhhh.

PLAN for dinner:

Shrimp and broccoli stir fry

PLAN for exercise:

Go to the gym!

Thursday, January 8, 2009



2 chicken legs (yes, I'm strange)


Brussels Sprouts


Shrimp & mushroom stir fry
Leftover won ton soup
Diet Coke


Walk to work & back (2 miles)
35 minutes bicycle
15 minutes treadmill
10 minutes elliptical

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Small Victories

A couple things have helped me lose my annoying holiday weight and return to my current 145:

1) Getting a stomach bug
2) Going back to the gym
3) Making small, good decisions. For example, today I passed by a Chipotle and I didn't go in and eat there. Even though I was somewhat hungry. And it was the same side of the street that I was on. Instead I kept walking - 35 blocks, as a matter of fact!

Now it's a matter of losing those next pesky five pounds. I'm going to the gym tomorrow and working my little tush off.


Mushroom omelette
A couple M&Ms


Spinach knish


String cheese


1 chicken leg
Edamame beans
1 apple

Saturday, January 3, 2009

happy new year!

So I didn't make "losing weight" a New Year's resolution because it's sort of pointless . I actually didn't really make any resolutions this year because I usually end up breaking them, which is depressing. Also, it was the first year where New Year's Eve felt like any other fun night and New Year's Day felt like any other lazy day.

I've been eating poorly for these last few weeks, but now I've got a stomach bug, so everything I'm eating is going right through me. It's pretty gross. When I feel better, I'm going back to that lovely gym o'mine. I really do like it there. It's clean, uncrowded, and I feel totally anonymous. No chance of running into preppy girls from my high school, although going to the gym with friends IS more helpful.

Anyway, time to head to bed, as I am exhausted from all the holiday festivities and all the pooping.

Happy New Year everyone!