Thanks so much for the comments, ladies! The support is great. I think you are right about snacks, Rischa (and Aebra, who mentioned it as well). I just have to portion them out to myself - because I have been known to eat a bag of baby carrots/box of Wheat Things/loaf of bread in one sitting.I am going to try your method of counting things out - because I do want to stick with this!
I avoided temptation today, which was good. I walked home from work down Steinway Street, in Astoria. If you've ever traveled down that road (and back againnnn), it's basically the United Nations of food. Besides your typical line-up of pizza places, diners, bakeries, and fast food, there's also Czech, Spanish, Mexican, Thai, Egyptian, and Greek. Yum. I was strong, however, and it didn't just affect my diet, but also my wallet. Eating out can really deplenish my bank account - and remember, I'm going to need that money to help bail out Wall Street!
1 cup of oatmeal
1/2 cup beans
1/2 cup (?) whole-grain spaghetti
Baby carrots
Diet Coke
Truthfully, that wasn't enough and I'm currently hungry. I'm going to eat an early dinner of salad and chicken, but I think when I come back later tonight (I'm going to a dance performance), I'm going to have to break my "no eating after dinner" rule and eat something else as well, because it'll be pretty late by then.
Walked home from work - 1 mile
(Plus, I plan on doing some walking in the city - possibly across the bridge)
I'll finish this post later! Thanks everyone!

1 Chicken Leg
1 Salad
White Beans/Tomato thing
1 Orange juice soda thing (Pellegrino, fancy Organgina, I think - 180 cals)
1 small cone of nonfat vanilla yogurt from Baskin Robbins
Also, I walked from Union Square to 55th Street, which is about two miles (according to Google Maps). So I did 3 miles of leisurely walking today, which isn't terrible. Tomorrow I need to do some more hard-core walking and get my heart beating a little bit.
okay. it's time for me to comment on this bean situation. your diet today was really carby and while i think carbs are the best invention ever, they are not conducive to losing weight. so while black beans are all fine and dandy, you really should limit/balance them. there's almost three times as much carbs as protein in them and no fat so your body can't process them well and instead hoards them away for the winter and makes them fat. so if you want to eat beans, eat like a 1/2 cup of beans and some lean chicken or tuna or something with fat and protein in it.
*disclaimer: i say this as i eat a bag of cheetos but i really did used to be a zone junkie and feel pretty knowledgeable on how one is supposed to eat to lose weight even if i don't follow it.
Ah! bean identity crisis! I should point out that I DID only eat 1/2 cup of beans...And I had chicken later in the day...
I'll definitely limit my bean-intake, but at the same time, I have protein anxiety and if I don't get it, I get stressed out! I will have to investigate this Zone stuff. Considering I live with you, I bet it won't be too difficult. Thanks A!
Hi Boo-face,
Well done so far. I think your blogging accountability and transparency is impressive. As for you and anxiety eating, I know why we are sisters. I compulsively ate cereal while studying for my exam. I find that when I have the unstoppable craving for some food, I have to immediately change activities or leave the house. Often times you just have to break the pattern of that insatiability and feeling of urgency. Or, I like to think that my dire quest for bread/crackers/cereal etc is signaling to me that I have to take care of myself. In which case, a more healthy way of doing this is taking a bath, massaging myself etc.
I have been reading a lot of Oprah magazine while I babysit. It's actually really good (I've joined the rest of America in O-love). Here's a link to her weightloss stuff.
I love you!
~ Sophie
perhaps i was not a good communicator. and you are not at home so i cannot communicate in person. my point is that you didn't get any protein at your lunch except for a little bit with the beans. i support your chicken later in the day. but 1/2 cup of beans plus 1/2 (?) a cup of spaghetti plus carrots = too many carbs and not enough fat or protein. so my point is you SHOULD have protein anxiety and get more of it! i love you?
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