I haven't bought a scale yet, but it's on my to-do list - so I don't know how I've been doing in pounds, just in terms of food and exercise.
And how HAVE I been doing? Okay. Not great, not terrible. I tend to eat so well during the day, but by the setting of the sun, it just deteriorates. Last night I cooked a lot of delicious stuff for the week, so obviously I was tasting the food and snacking a bit as I did that. Today I came home really hungry and had dinner - but I was still wanting food, so I ate another small portion of the food that I originally had saved for snack. So now, per usual, I feel uncomfortably full.
Today I had:
1 cup of oatmeal
Some bites of chicken
Chicken & veggie stir-fry
String beans
Brown rice & beans with some chicken. (And a LOT of it...probably the equivalent 2 or 2.5 portions, after I ate the contents of the other tupperware)
Jeez, I have a very chicken-heavy diet right now...I can't help it, I like chicken.
In terms of exercise, I haven't really done anything. Maybe later tonight I'll go for a walk/jog, but right now I feel so tired, it's hard to motivate myself. My goal tonight (and I'm starting small) is not to eat anything for the rest of the evening. And go to bed early.
Lastly, I wanted to share with you all a great thing I saw on Jezebel.com. As Aebra rightly pointed out (I miss you, by the way, and yes my address is the same!), this blog is about feeling GOOD about myself and getting healthy - NOT conforming to our society's twisted view on what it means to be attractive.
What do I mean by "twisted"? Ah, so glad you asked! You see, a while back there was an amazing television show called "Beverly Hills 90210." Oh, the drama, the heartache, the time Brenda lost her virginity to Dylan in a hotel room at their prom. Well, they're making a new "90210" and you only have to glance at the photos below to see a pretty striking difference in the new cast and the old.

Try to ignore the unfashionable outfits, and focus instead on the healthy, positively hot bodies of the original show's stars. The new cast? I feel sorry for the girls growing up today thinking they have to adhere to that ridiculous standard. I'd rather look like a 1991-era Brenda Walsh anyday.

Looking at the 90210 picture is very strange to me... I remember when I was younger I was so envious of how skinny and pretty everyone on that show was. Now looking at them next to the 90210 newbies they look "chubby" looking at the pictures side by side I feel crazy. How could these the starsof my childhood look to fat for tv to me now? that said I think the new cast looks like a big bunch of D-bags wearing trends that will never quite catch on. Thats the other difference between the two posters. 90210 originals are in like T-shirts and jeans. it just reminds me that anyone can be gorgeous in a dress with a ton of makeup... really beautiful women are still hot in sweat pants. Anyway...those were my thoughts of the morning.
wowwww, what an interesting comparison! that's pretty crazy. i really like what rischa said... anyone can look hot if you make them hot.
aside from 90210 nostalgia, i have some thoughts about your "no snacks after dinner" policy. i'm not sure that that's the answer, necessarily. if it's working for you then obviously keep it up, but i just find that if i tell myself some rule like that, i end up eating more dinner because i feel like i can never eat again (i know, it's just for the night). and sometimes i find that it sort of just evens out... and i don't have to deprive myself of eating after dinner, which is nice, because i love dessert.
that said, i do think it's very easy to go overboard after dinner. sometimes i just like to look at the clock, and simply thinking about how it's like 10:30, and i'm going to bed soon anyway, and i could have more cereal or chips or i could just go to sleep and be thinner and well rested... sometimes that works. but you have to find what works for you! love the blog :)
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