I was feeling pretty good today, but got struck with a bolt of anxiety eating a few minutes ago, so I figured I'd write down what I ate today so far, in order to curb this feeding frenzy.
(My anxiety basically stems from trying to find a full-time, semi-interesting job during a time of economic collapse/recession)
1 cup oatmeal
Green peas
1/2 cup chicken/cous-cous
1/2 cup of chicken/cous-cous (this was meant for lunch tomorrow, but I was like, must eat now!)
All in all, not terrible, but I can see myself going on a bender, so...I'll go for a walk later and hopefully even myself out.
EDIT: I ended up just taking a nap - am I getting sick? Why am I so listless? I awoke unpleasantly, to this Bach song my dad listens to that includes a really loud German choir. Blach. I applied to a job, so that made me feel good.
1 chicken leg
Diet Coke
I think that it IS possible that I haven't been eating enough...? I'm feeling noshy and might eat some oatmeal. Comfort food!
4 weeks ago
one question... is the 1/2 cup of chicken and couscous equal to 1/2 cup of each ingredient? or 1/2 cup combined couscous + chicken? because if it's combined, that's not enough! couscous is pretty good for you, and i would think you need at least 1/2 cup worth of chicken (like most of a chicken breast) to fill you up.
So I have started my morning at work by reading your blog (Which Ironically enough has made me kinda hungry in spite of a fairly large breakfast I had.) I know you said that you go over board when snacking but what if you set aside specific portions of snacks like a snack bag of carrot sticks or like right not I have a sandwich baggy with 1 portion of wheat thins. I feel a little silly counting 14 wheat thins in the morning but eating from the box pretty much guarantees that Im going to have like 114. Also listening to you makes me realize how little exercise Ive been getting recently. The excuse I tell myself that I no longer live near my gym... but really I could be doing more! Maybe I will start walking home instead of taking the bus in the evening! Or better yet I'll get my bike fixed and start taking daily bike rides. Anyway I agree with aebra and Freya that you should probably be eating more... it looks like you really don't have much at lunch in particular! You have to ask yourself whether your going to be able to stick to a diet (long term) where you are eating the amount that you are now. But I want to say that I am very impressed with you! Overall your doing really great about sticking to your diet Maggie! Keep it up!
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