Yesterday was another day that I almost ate a bagel, but then PUT IT DOWN AND BOUGHT A PROTEIN BAR. Oh, the joy of it all.
Today is a day of reminiscing about all the food I ate as a child. At some point, my family morphed into one of those very healthy households, although we never had much junk food around to begin with. The thought of Swiss Miss vanilla puddings, which I haven't eaten in probably ten years, floated into my brain this morning - so I decided to make an ode to meals past:
Breakfast Options:
- Corn flakes, Cheerios, Rice Krispies, Cracklin' Oat Bran (I never eat cold cereal anymore, too tempting to eat 3+ bowls)
- Eggo Waffles with artificial syrup (or mini-waffles, also delicious)
Lunch Options:
- Big chunk of iceberg lettuce (I still enjoy this)
- Kosher Bologna
- Butter sandwich (Yes, my parents instilled in me that there was something called a Butter Sandwich)
- Polly-o string cheese
- Assortment of candy from The Milk Mart or Futtermans. (i.e. The Charleston Chew, one of the weirdest/grossest candy bars I took a liking to)
Snack Options:
- Green apple (still a favorite)
- Vanilla Fingers
- Nutter Butters
- Swiss Miss vanilla pudding
Dinner Options:
- Velveeta Macaroni and Cheese (this was my favorite)
- Lamb chops (My mom was a big fan of lamb chops)
- English Muffin Pizzas (these were delicious)
- Vegetables (still good).
Ah, memory lane. I think reclaiming English Muffin Pizzas might be a good thing, but most other things on that list are probably good to avoid. I try to abstain from anything that has high fructose corn syrup in it, and I'm sure the pudding and syrup is chockfull of that shit.
What are all your nostalgia foods?
4 weeks ago
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