So I've been bad about blogging because (surprise!) I've been bad about eating. I've just been in this unholy binge-eating mentality for a couple days now and it's been difficult to shake.
But I need to own up! Today wasn't terrible, but I did eat popcorn when I really wasn't hungry for it. When I have the noshing urge, I just want all carbs, all the time.
I went to the gym today, which was good. Tomorrow I have a complimentary training session, which I got when I signed up for membership.
Okay, so
Mission (Im)possible: Coming up this month I have loads of social events that will inevitably involve eating. Pizza party, cocktail party, pot-luck party, my work holiday party... There are a couple strategies I've tried in the past and none of them have worked too well. I usually eat way more than I need to and the calories just pile on when you add beer and wine.
The only thing that has succeeded in even a minor way was trying to eat light all day before the event, so that my total intake for the day isn't ridiculous. I hate that when I'm at a party, I'm inwardly freaking out that the food will be gone if I don't go back for seconds and thirds. It's a sick mentality and it takes away from my enjoyment. But it's hard to break free. Any advice?
1 cup oatmeal
1 WW skim cheese stick
Panera salad with chicken
Piece of bread
100-calorie bag o'popcorn
Carrots and hummus
Celery and sunflower seed butter (actually very good! Leftover from Talia)
(I know that's a terrible dinner, but I feel lazy)
WW Cheese
Walked to work and back (2 miles)
20 minutes treadmill
10 minutes elliptical
10 minutes bicycle
5 minutes weights
Happy Holidays! I enjoy the photo below because there is such a range of emotions going on. Wow. Santa.