While nobody really knows where these little non-cancerous lesions come from, there have been links to age (not applicable) and obesity (blahhhh!). I know I'm not morbidly obese, but I do weigh an inappropriate amount for my height and I'd be really sad if that is where these came from.
I won't post any Google images of skin tags, because they're pretty gross.
Egg white onion omelette
Chocolate blahhh
I know, I know, that dinner is PATHETIC, but I ran out of time for dinner and I was going to a movie and I love popcorn. A medium popcorn at this particular movie theater was 420 calories...not a trifling amount, but not as much as I thought.
I'm sure I'll see it reflected on the scale tomorrow, but as for now, I lost .5 lb. So that's good. I always weigh myself at the same time every day (before I go to sleep) and I know my scale is fairly wonky, but it usually reflects how much I've been working (or how little).
And lastly, the movie I watched tonight was "Changeling" which starred Angelina Jolie. You can check out my review for it on Critic's Notebook, where I like to hear myself talk. The one thing I can say is that she is one actress who does NOT look good skinny! She is a gorgeous woman, but she looked like freaking skin-and-bones in this movie and it made me sad.


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