Man, being at my parents' house was like a black hole of food. I haven't eaten that much in a while. I realized that being there gives me this weird compulsion to NOT STOP EATING. I honestly don't feel that way when I'm in my apartment. Sometimes I feel "noshy" but I don't usually eat until I'm physically ill. Blech.
But now I've escaped and I'm back in lovely Queens, supplied with some healthy food donated by my mom. I didn't even weigh myself at home because I was too nervous to see what it would say, and I'm probably not going to weigh myself for another week or so. My sister said it was impossible for me to have gained back all the weight I lost...but I wouldn't put it past my quick-reacting body.
Leftover turkey
Leftover risotto
1 clementine
1 clementine
2 apples
The binge eater is backkkkkk!
4 weeks ago
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